Editorial Cartoons ()

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The view from Afghanistan

The view from Afghanistan

October 17, 1996

Information Superhighway

Information Superhighway

March 2, 1995



January 27, 1994

Un rapport fédéral préconise la réunification du Jura

Un rapport fédéral préconise la réunification du Jura

April 8, 1993

Fall of the Berlin Wall

Fall of the Berlin Wall

November 9, 1989

Deng Xiaoping after Tiananmen (Cartoon published June 17, 1989)

Deng Xiaoping after Tiananmen (Cartoon published June 17, 1989)

June 17, 1989

Tiananmen (Cartoon published June 6, 1989)

Tiananmen (Cartoon published June 6, 1989)

June 6, 1989

Gotthard Eröffnung

Gotthard Eröffnung

January 4, 1980



January 3, 1980

Die Böhmermann-Affäre

Die Böhmermann-Affäre

January 2, 1980

Rückkehr der Grenzkontrolle

Rückkehr der Grenzkontrolle

January 2, 1980